The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 115 of 167
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"I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire"
(Ezek. 28: 16).
A.--What has this to do with the mystery?
B.--Here we have a spirit being who bears the name both of "christ" (for he is called the
"anointed") and "cherub". The derivation of the word cherub is controversial: our own
conclusion (which however we will not press) is "like the greatness", and this seems
echoed in the words "I will be like the Most High". Michael's name seems to challenge
this, for it means "Who is like God?" You will observe in Gen. 3: that the cherubim
balance the serpent in the structure. But this is a long subject and beyond our present
scope. You will find it dealt with in The Berean Expositor.
The Goal of the two Mysteries.
All I now say is that originating with the anointed cherub, who was cast out as
profane, is the mystery of iniquity, the goal of which is the usurpation of the throne of
God.  The origin of the mystery of godliness is found in the true Christ, the true
Anointed, Who when the work of redemption is accomplished presents to the Father the
perfect result, that God may be all in all.
These two mysteries come to a crisis in the Book of the Revelation. There "the
mystery of God is finished" (Rev. 10: 7). With the ending of the mystery comes the
ending of the present period of bondage and alienation. The purpose of God shall have
been accomplished, the utmost opposition of the enemy thwarted.
A.--It struck me just now that it was strange that there should have been one called
"the christ" or "anointed" other than the Lord.
B.--You will find that it is entirely in line with a principle that runs throughout the
record of the ages. The first in order of time is not the first in order of purpose. Always
the type sets forth that evil is allowed its opportunity first, but that the true purpose is
found in the second. Let us make a list:--
The first christ.--Ezek. 28:
The true Christ.--The Lord Jesus.
The first son.--Cain.
Abel.--The true seed.
The first son.--Ishmael.
Isaac.--The true seed.
The first son.--Esau.
Jacob.--The true seed.
The first man.--Of the earth.
The second man.--The Lord from heaven.
The first king of Israel.--Saul.
David.--The true king.
The same may also be said of the angels. Though angels, principalities and powers
belong to a family created before man, nevertheless man is destined to take a place "far
above principality and power", "the saints shall judge angels", and though made "for a
little lower than the angels" man the second family is the true heir of glory. It will not be
possible to pursue our theme much further, although there still remains a great deal