The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 105 of 167
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A.--Do you propose traversing Leviticus or examining the various offerings and
sacrifices of Israel's ritual?
The Book of Ruth and Redemption.
B.--No, not at the moment, but these offerings supply a wealth of detail as soon as the
main principles have been established. For the moment we shall find all we require in the
Book of Ruth.
A.--Surely that pastoral story, beautiful as it may be, cannot supply instruction of such a
fixed and basic character as you appear to imagine.
B.--That I will not debate at present. Before we meet again I suggest that you read the
Book of Ruth right through so that our time may be employed in the use of this important
portion of the Divine system of interpretation.
(Before going further the reader is asked to read the Book of Ruth right through).
A.--I have complied with your suggestion and have read the Book of Ruth, so will you
now proceed?
B.--It is impossible to separate redemption from the redeemer and when we grasp the
scriptural essentials that go to make up a scriptural redeemer we shall be well on the way
of attaining to the idea of scriptural redemption. Assuming that you are acquainted with
the story of the Book of Ruth, let me draw your attention to the closing portion of the
second chapter. When Ruth returned from her gleaning and told Naomi of the attitude of
Boaz, we have the first reference to the redeemer. Naomi said of Boaz:--
"The man is near of kin to us, one of our next kinsmen" (2: 20).
The Kinsman-Redeemer.
A.--Where is there any mention of a redeemer in that statement?
B.--Look at the note in the margin.
A.--(Reads), "One that hath right to redeem".
B.--Keep that in mind while we proceed. In chapter 3: we are told that Ruth, acting on
Naomi's instructions, lies at the feet of Boaz on the threshing floor, and at midnight upon
being discovered Ruth said:--
"I am Ruth thine handmaid, spread therefore thy wing over thine handmaid, FOR
Boaz now revealed a fact that made a pause in the accomplishment of Naomi's