The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 102 of 167
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also after that", refer to Canaan and his descendants. The same evil interference that had
caused the flood now peopled the land of Canaan, and when Abraham, the true heir,
entered into the promised land, we are told "the Canaanite was then in the land"
(Gen. 12: 6). Just as the corrupted race had to be destroyed by the flood, so the smaller
and local corruption of the Canaanites had to be exterminated by the sword of Israel. The
slaying of Sihon king of the Amorites and Og king of Bashan is followed by the refrain in
Psa. 136: 19, 20:--
"For His mercy endureth for ever."
Satan's plan to corrupt the true seed.
I leave you to continue to trace this evil attempt to corrupt the seed of God. You will
see more meaning perhaps in the two instances of Pharaoh and Abimelech (Gen. 12: &
21:) and Abraham's strict prohibition to his servant that he should not take for his son
Isaac one of the daughters of the Canaanites.
The case of the giant Goliath is another full type, foreshadowing the Babylonian
dynasty which forms the theme of Daniel's prophecies. If through the weakness of the
flesh the Canaanites were not utterly destroyed, Scripture is clear as to the issue. The
command had been:--
"But of the cities of these people, which the Lord thy God doth give thee for an
inheritance, thou shalt save nothing" (Deut. 20: 16-18).
When at length Israel enter into their inheritance it is written:--
"In that day there shall be NO MORE the Canaanite in the house of the Lord of
Hosts" (Zech. 14: 21).
A.--I am to understand then that while, by the interference of Satan, there has come
through Adam the seed of the wicked one, so through Adam has come the true seed of
God, called the seed of the woman, who shall ultimately crush the serpent's head. I do
not quite see the object of this terrible thing, but I realize it is there.
B.--Its purpose will be more clear to you when we study the question of the two
mysteries in Scripture. Meanwhile let me say that I am at liberty to take the words "all
men" in their fullest sense, providing I do not join together what God has kept asunder,
and speak of those concerning whom He says they are "of the devil" as being "of God".
If we keep in mind the Lord's words, "An enemy hath done this", and realize what it is
that the enemy has done, we shall perceive that the recognition of the two seeds in
Scripture is practically a master key to the purpose.
Adoption and Redemption.
A.--There are two subjects that I think need attention before we go further, viz., adoption
and redemption.