The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 94 of 167
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A.--Where does faith come in then?
B.--We shall find that Israel's history provides a perfect parallel which we shall see in
good time.
The Strange Interval.
A.--There is one other question that has been in my mind all the time, and that is, why
should that strange interval of bondage have been necessary?
B.--There you put your finger upon the great problem that lies behind the purpose of the
A.--Does your vaunted theory of interpretation provide a parallel? I feel that if it fails
here the abused "philosophic method" must be mine.
B.--We will make that our subject when next we meet.
A.--Keeping also in mind the themes, "adoption", and Kinsman-Redeemer that you
passed over just now.
B.--I see that you are keen, and I appreciate your eagerness. Never fear; the Word will
meet all our needs.
Who is the Antitypical Amorite?
B.--We have a series of problems before us. We must seek a right understanding of the
term "adoption", we must discover God's intention in "redemption", and we have several
other items of the age-purpose that must be dealt with before we can be satisfied as to the
principle of interpretation I suggest, or of its results.
A.--You will not forget the most important question of all, at least to me, and one which
I suspect you realize will upset your particular theories. I speak of the strange interval of
bondage which we found in Gen. 15:, Gal. 3: and Eph. 1: The question is: What is
the reason for this interval, and what answer can you give from the history of the typical
people Israel?
B.--Shall we turn to Gen. 15: once again?
A.--There you are! you cannot give a straight answer, but just involve the issue in a
cloud of difficult passages.