The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 73 of 167
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all the members of one body. There is no conflict between these two views. Unanimity
of spirit is only possible in that unity of the Spirit of God. Outside must ever be strife and
self-seeking. This unity of spirit is well illustrated and expressed in such passages as
Rom. 15: 5, 6, and Phil. 1: 27; 2: 1, 2.
This unity can only be kept by the bond of the peace. What is this bond? What is this
peace? It is that peace made by Christ Who made the two conflicting parties one, Who
destroyed the enmity between them, Who broke down the middle wall of partition, Who
by creating of the twain in Himself one new man made the bond of peace which
effectually binds together the unity of the Spirit.
The things that were set aside were the things belonging to believers as Jews or
Gentiles. None of these things are carried over. There is no reformation attempted. The
unity of the Spirit is part of a new creation. In exceeding our diligence over this, we shall
see at once the attempt of this one to import some doctrine, or of that one to bring in
some practice that belongs to the time before the middle wall was broken down. Nip all
such attempts in the bud. Let them not get a foothold. Be willing to be called narrow,
proud, anything, however untrue and unmerited, but endeavour to keep that sacred unity
as you would defend your life.
We write thus because of the laxity of many, because of the confusion which exists in
the mind of many as to the difference between humility of mind and resolution, of
meekness and strength. We cannot be charitable with the goods of another. Stewardship,
though exercised with all lowliness, meekness, longsuffering and forbearance, must
nevertheless be above all things exercised faithfully. The Lord keep us faithful as the
apostasy sets in.
The Sevenfold Unity of the Spirit (Eph. 4: 4-6).
pp. 72 ­ 77
In Eph. 4: 4-6 we have brought before us the sevenfold unity of the spirit, which we
are urged to keep.
Some of the elements of this unity are found in chapter 2::--
"For through Him (the one Lord) we the both (the one body) have access by one Spirit
unto the Father (the one God and Father)" (verse 18).