The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 63 of 167
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Studies in the Epistles of the Mystery.
Balance (Eph. 4: 1).
pp. 6 ­ 8
With this paper we commence the second great section of the Epistle to the Ephesians,
and enter into the sphere of practice.
There is scarcely anything more important, and in need of more emphasis and
repetition, than that doctrine must ever be accompanied by practice, that walk must
correspond with calling, that fruit must manifest the hidden root. This correspondence of
doctrine and practice is most happily displayed in the epistle. It naturally divides into its
two main sections--the first three chapters containing the great revelation, the second
three chapters the resulting exhortation. Take a few instances by way of illustration. To
see the whole would necessitate a most detailed structure of the epistle.
Doctrine (1:-3:).
Practice (4:-6:).
The  power  of  His  might  and  the
The  power  of  His  might  and  the
principalities and powers (1: 19-23).
principalities and powers (6: 10-17).
This shows our doctrinal position and
This shows the corresponding conflict and
sphere of spiritual blessings.
spiritual foes.
The old walk--"this world" (2: 2).
The  old  walk--"vanity  of  mind";
"uncleanness"; "darkness"; "as fools".
The new walk--"new creation" (2: 10).
The new walk--"lowliness of mind";
"in love"; "as light"; "circumspectly".
The  new
creation--The  new  man
The old man--put off. The new man--put
(2: 10-15).
on (4: 22-32).
The  temple--"fitly  framed  together"
body--"fitly  joined  together"
(2: 19-22).
(4: 7-16).
Its present manifestation.
These examples will suffice for the moment. It will be seen what a stimulus we
receive to unity when we see that the exhortation to be "fitly joined together" as members
of the one body is but a temporal and corporal expression of the higher and fuller unity of
the temple so marvelously "fitly framed together".
Or again, it is not enough that we should learn the doctrine of the new creation and the
new man; it must have some result. The old man with his "former conversation" (4: 22)
and "with his deeds" (Col. 3: 9) must be put off, otherwise the glorious doctrine remains
without life. The exalted position of the believer in the ascended Lord--"far above
all"--brings him into conflict with "principalities and powers" that are associated with
evil. The mighty power that raised Christ from the dead is the power in which alone he
can hope to overcome these spiritual foes. All this, and more, is expressed in the one
word of Eph. 4: 1, "Walk worthy". The word "worthy" (axios):--
"refers to a pair of scales in which, when the weights on each side are equal, they
bring or draw down (axiousi) the beam to a level or horizontal position" (PARKHURST).