The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 60 of 167
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"I will be with him in trouble" (Psa. 91: 15).
pp. 33, 34
Though the four divisions of Psa. 107: differ widely in outward form, they are one in
essence. Whether it be the wanderer in the trackless wilderness, the rebel in his bonds,
the fool at the gate of death, or the mariner at wits end, the scripture places all these
experiences under one term. All cry unto God "in their trouble". The Hebrew word for
trouble in Psa. 107: is tsar. Not only does the word come in verses 6, 13, 19 and 28
where it is plainly seen in the A.V., but it comes also in verse 2 where it is translated
"enemy". Spurrell's translation reads:--
"The redeemed of Jehovah shall utter it,
Whom He hath redeemed out of the power of misery."
So long as there lies before us the pilgrim path, so long must we be prepared for
"trouble". It will minister to our comfort and our strength to learn somewhat of the
teaching of scripture concerning this constant associate of our pilgrimage. We do not
want to be numbered among those who carry a threefold burden, the burden that has
passed, the burden that is present, and the burden that may never come. To counteract
this tendency we take heed to the Lord's words
"Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."
At the same time to act as the ostrich and hide our eyes from the obvious will add to,
rather than take away from, the trouble of our pathway.
In that wondrous  Psalm 91:,  written in the first place to assure the younger
generation of Israel that no harm should overtake them during all the 40 years wandering
in the wilderness with their fathers, while they are promised:--
Protection under the shadow of the Almighty,
Deliverance from the snare and the pestilence,
Immunity from terror and death either by day or night,
Angels to take charge of their very steps,
Answers to their prayers;
yet in the selfsame Psalm it is assumed that trouble will be experienced, trouble beneath
the shadow of the Almighty, trouble even with angels as guardians.
"He shall call upon Me,
and I will answer him:
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him, and honour him.
With long life will I satisfy him,
And shew him my salvation" (Psa. 91: 15, 16).