The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 46 of 167
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the words in italics being equivalent to the hope as an anchor of the soul. The anchor for
the soul is that better and enduring substance that far outweighs the "light affliction
which is but for a moment". Unlike the vain promises of the world, this hope, this
anchor, is "sure and stedfast". "Sure" is asphales. In Acts it is used of the Roman
officials in connection with Paul:--
"He could not know the certainty for the tumult" (21: 34).
"He would have known the certainty whereof he was accused" (22: 30).
"Of whom I have no certain thing to write" (25: 26).
Asphaleia occurs in the phrase "peace and safety" of I Thess. 5: 3. Asphalizo occurs
in Matt. 27: 64, 65, 66, "to make sure". "Stedfast" is translated "firm" in Heb. 3: 6,
"If we hold fast the confidence and hope firm unto the end". The two words appear to be
used to express the properties of the anchor, in itself and in its usage. In itself it is "sure";
in its usage it is "reliable". "Hope maketh not ashamed."
If the inspired statement ended here, the hope of the tired and afflicted believer would
be of little avail. For of what use is the strongest anchor if it can find no solid anchorage?
Therefore the apostle continues
"and which entereth into that within the veil" (Heb. 6: 19).
At a meeting for children once we were speaking of "hope" and had this verse before
us. The children were asked to express their opinion as to what word of four letters was
the most important in the verse. Some said "hope"; some, "soul"; others, "sure";
yet others, "veil". Our own choice was the somewhat strange word "that":--
"Which entereth into THAT within the veil."
When we read chapter 9: we shall have occasion to consider the typical teaching of
the tabernacle at some length; here we only need to remember the ark and the mercy seat
which were hidden from view by the second veil. There in the ark were the unbroken
tables of the law, the rod of Aaron that budded, and the golden pot of manna. These
spoke of:--
RIGHTEOUSNESS.--The unbroken tables of stone.
UNCHANGING PRIESTHOOD.--The rod that budded.
Resting upon the ark was the mercy seat which spoke of sins forgiven, of atonement,
of reconciliation. "There I will meet with thee and commune with thee", the Lord had
said to Moses, and says to us. Here is the sure anchor ground of the tempest-tossed
believer. If hope enters into THAT nothing can ever happen in this life that will prove
too severe a test. The anchor and the anchorage are sure and stedfast. The "strong
consolation" which is ministered to those who run for the hope set before them gathers
strength as the fulness of God's supply is opened up. The hope they have is an anchor for
the soul. This hope is both sure in itself and stedfast in its use. Moreover it enters into
that within the veil, the bed-rock of redeeming love.