The Berean Expositor
Volume 14 - Page 18 of 167
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The Image and the Substance.
A further title is "the express image of His substance". "Express image" is the
rendering of charakter, from charatto "to engrave". Charagma is translated "graven" in
Acts 17: 29:--
"We ought not to suppose a gold or silver, or a stone sculpture of man's art and device
to be like the Deity."
One of the dictionary meanings of "substance" is "that which underlies all outward
manifestations". God is invisible. Christ is the image of the invisible God. God's
"substance" is manifested in Him Who is the express image of the unseen underlying
substance. Faith is the "substance" of things hoped for (Heb. 11: 1). Works, walk,
witness give expression to the unseen faith (Heb. 11:). No laws, fasts, feasts or sacrifices,
no series of typical men could ever be the express image; Christ's alone occupies that
As I trust you will treat all that is put before you in a true "Berean" spirit, the
following comparison of passages may be of service.
A Threefold Testimony.
John 1:
Colossians 1:
Hebrews 1:
The Word.
The Image.
The express Image.
No one ever saw God.
The invisible God.
The Substance.
All things made by Him.
By Him all things created.
By Him the ages made.
Heaven and earth also.
He is before all things.
Angels worship Him.
His fulness.
All fulness.
By Him all things consist.
All things upheld.
The Word was God.
Thy throne, O God.
The only begotten Son.
He Who made all things, upholds all things, by Whom all things consist, is no lesser
Deity; He is God and no other.
The Form of God.
A.--I should be glad if you would now turn to Phil. 2: 6-11. If you are unprejudiced and
closely observe what the passage actually says, if you will but "try the things that differ",
you will notice that the passage does not say that every tongue shall confess that
Jesus Christ is GOD, but Lord, to the glory of God-THE FATHER. The one Who is God
is The Father, Christ is but the Lord. This is a confirmation of my interpretation of
"A God", "God in a subordinate sense".
B.--Before we deal with this closing verse we must look at the earlier verses and also
consider the context. The reason for this marvellous passage is in the words of
Phil. 2: 4, 5:--