The Berean Expositor
Volume 13 - Page 99 of 159
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"In order that in the ages to come He might shew the exceeding riches of His grace in
His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus."
What we may do now in our small measure, "whether we eat or drink or whatsoever
we do", we shall do then in a fuller degree. All heavenly and high activities are summed
up and embraced by these words, "To Him be glory by the church". This is indeed
"fulness". It will be so for the earth as we have seen by the marginal reading of
Isa. 6: 3, "His glory is the fulness of the whole earth". It will be so, too, for those whose
seat is in the highest heavens. When heaven and earth are united in the love of Christ,
and the great dwelling place of God is again complete, Psa. 29: 9 will be true, "every
whit of it uttereth glory". This glory is to be ascribed and rendered by the church.
"For all the generations of the age of the ages."--One age is intended by the
expression "the age of the ages", viz., that one which shall be the climax and crown of
them all. When we say, "A Hebrew of the Hebrews", "A Pharisee of the Pharisees", the
same figure is used.
In Gen. 2: 4 we have "the generations of the heaven and the earth", the history of
which occupies 2: 5 - 4: 26. Within this short compass come Sin, Death, the Curse, the
two Seeds (Cain and Abel), and finally Seth, the other Seed appointed to take the place of
Abel. If we would understand the expression in Eph. 2: 21 we must ponder Gen. 2:-6:
How different will those generations be! Paradise restored, no more death, no more
curse, no more sorrow or pain, and instead of "coming short of the glory of God", then,
by virtue of the redemption and power of the risen Christ, the church shall throughout the
ages to come, and to all the generations of the climax and crowning age of all, be unto the
glory of God.
Amen.--Surely every reader can heartily and joyously, if also humbly, say, Amen! to
this glorious prayer and this magnificent doxology. What in effect will the outcome of
such an Amen! be? Let Eph. 4:-6: answer, "Walk worthy". May the grace that saved
us enable us to this end. Amen.