The Berean Expositor
Volume 13 - Page 66 of 159
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an essential element in the perfecting of the believer in view of the kingdom and its
#8.  The Sermon on the Mount.
The Theme of Chapter 6:--"Seek ye FIRST."
pp. 109 - 111
We have already seen that the subject of Reward is a prominent theme in Matt. 5:-7:,
forming the key-word of the opening verses, and punctuating the first part of chapter 6:
The fact that "reward" is emphasized so much shows that the question as to whether the
basis of the sermon is "law" or "grace" is not relevant. The subject is not a question of
salvation, either by works or by faith, but of perfecting, of reward, of enduring in view of
the kingdom.
Let us notice the way in which the subject of reward runs through chapter 6::--
Alms given before men.
No reward in heaven.
Hypocrites who seek glory of men.
They have their reward.
Alms in secret.
The Father shall reward openly.
Prayers as hypocrites.
They have their reward.
Prayer in secret.
The Father shall reward openly.
Hypocrites fasting.
They have their reward.
Appear not to fast.
The Father shall reward openly.
If we were to concentrate our attention upon the subject of Alms-giving, of Prayer, of
Fasting, etc., we should doubtless learn much for our good, but we should probably miss
the essential lesson of the chapter, and the real object which the Lord had in view at the
time. If we step back as it were and obtain a comprehensive view, the true theme is so
evident that minor details can then be considered with safety. In the accompanying
structure it will be seen that there is a repetition of theme too obvious not to be
intentional. This repetition emphasizes the theme for us.
Matt. 6:
A | 6: 1-4.  Almsgiving.
B | 5-15.  Prayer.  | a | Not as Gentiles.
b | Your Father knoweth.
c | Pray "Thy", "Thy", "Thy".
C | 16-18.  Fasting.