The Berean Expositor
Volume 13 - Page 49 of 159
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Lord's work". What is the Lord's work? When we contribute to the expenses of a
meeting do we more than the man of the world who pays for his ticket for a lecture or
concert? When we subscribe for a copy of a magazine have we done more than the man
who pays for his morning paper? May we not be deceived with meaningless words. On
the other hand, to withdraw from the claims of those connected with us by ties of flesh
and blood because we are devoting our means to the Lord may come under the severe
censure of Mark 7: and I John. When we have these things clearly before us we may
learn without distraction the true order as given in Heb. 6: 10:--
"The love which ye have shewn forth unto His Name, in that ye have ministered unto
the saints."
The love shown for the name of God was manifested towards His people.
Unto His name.--Why does the Scripture use the "name" and not the "Lord"? What
is a name? Is it not the sum of many qualities, and used by us as a convenient means of
expression? When we speak of The Berean Expositor we use the sum of the following
component parts, viz., paper, print, articles written on special themes. When we say the
word house it is the sum of such items as bricks, mortar, wood, glass, &100: Thought
would for ever remain unexpressed if it were not for this ability to "sum up" in one name.
The name of God expresses all that He is. The varied names of God express his
many-sided relations with His creatures. What attributes are expressed in the names
Father, Saviour, Lord, God! Love shewn to His name is love that goes out to One who
possesses those wondrous qualities that have been revealed to us in Christ. We pray in
the name of Christ. We are forgiven for His name's sake. His name is called upon us.
We are enjoined to do all in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Love unto the name of the Lord is shown by ministry unto the saints. This does not
bring the love of God down, but lifts the ministry to the saints up to a higher level. We
minister to the saints and we love our brethren because we love the Lord.
"Every one that loveth Him that begat loveth Him also that is begotten of Him"
(I John 5: 1).
We cannot love the Father if we do not love the Son, and we cannot love the Father if
we do not love His sons also. Here then is the practical manifestation of the apostle's
desire. "Let us go on unto perfection." Faith is perfected in such works of love. These
are the things that accompany salvation; these are the things that:--
"adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour. For the grace of God saves . . . . . teaches
us . . . that we should live . . . . . looking . . . . . zealous of good works" (Titus 2: 10-15).