The Berean Expositor
Volume 11 - Page 155 of 161
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The suggestion that John in the Apocalypse refers to the Hebrew is not to be despised.
In the Talmud and other Rabbinical writings the words Neron, Kesar (the Caesar Nero)
often occur. The gematria of the Hebrew words are 666. If, however, this name be
written in the Latin way, Nero Caesar, it amounts to 616, the alternative reading of
Irenaeus' reference. Now, if Nero was intended by John and by Paul, we can understand
how convenient at the time the method of Jer. 25: 26 would be. Moreover, if some
wrote the name after the Latin fashion they would be tempted to consider 616 to be
correct and not 666.
The reader by this time may be asking, Does this writer of this article believe that
Rome is the Beast of Rev. 13:? We will answer that question by asking another. Was
John the Baptist Elijah? John the Baptist, when asked the question said he was not (see
John 1:); Christ when asked the question said he was:--
"I say unto you that Elias is come already.......then the disciples understood that He
spake of John the Baptist" (Matt. 17: 12, 13).
"For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John, AND IF YE WILL RECEIVE
IT, this is Elias, which was for to come" (Matt. 11: 14, 15).
"He shall go before Him in the spirit and power of Elias" (Luke 1: 17).
John was Elias, IF.......! Rome would have been the Beast of Rev. 13:, IF.......!
the "if" here was the repentance of Israel. Israel however did not repent, and the nation
was set aside, and Rome was not the beast. When the Lord Jesus commenced His
ministry He could say "THE TIME is fulfilled, the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and
believe the gospel" (Mark 1: 15). Had Israel repented (we speak after the manner of men)
there must have been at hand all material ready for the final sphere of Gentile dominion.
Surely the times that could produce a Herod (Acts 12: note carefully) could produce the
Antichrist! surely the age that could see the rise of such as Nero could produce the Beast!
One of the objections to Rome is that it never really held possession of Babylon. This
is not by any means a difficulty, neither is it a valid objection. Jerusalem, not Babylon, is
the Key. Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, each in turn held JERUSALEM, and
that fact constituted it the successor in Gentile dominion. Rome it was that compelled the
mother of Christ to travel to Bethlehem, Rome's penny it was that was shown to the
Lord, Rome it was that crucified Christ, Rome's soldiers that guarded His tomb, Rome
itself was the final place of appeal of the Apostle Paul. Upon the failure of Israel the
prophetic Image of Daniel enters into mystery. The first three dynasties are named,
Babylon, Persia, Greece, the rest remained unnamed. Rome succeeded to the domination
of Jerusalem, and after Rome came the Turk. This lasted until the taking of Jerusalem by
General Allenby. The Gentiles are nearing the end of the period foreshadowed by
Nebuchadnezzar's image.
Turkey (A.D. 636 to Nov. 1918).
League (Final phase, now shaping).