The Berean Expositor
Volume 11 - Page 2 of 161
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The completion of Volume XI of The Berean Expositor calls
for deep and earnest gratitude to the Lord for all His enabling grace and
providential care during another year's testimony.
The increasing darkness, both in the world and in the professing
church, seems but to make the humble witness of our magazine the
more necessary.
Our object remains unchanged. We seek to glorify the Lord, and
to edify His people, by presenting in its varied aspects a Word of
TRUTH RIGHTLY DIVIDED. The peculiar testimony of the Prison
Epistles must be our chiefest burden, seeing that this is the message for
the Dispensation of the Mystery. Neither space, nor the understanding
of our calling, will allow us to cater for the needs of all believers.
To all those who appreciate the blessings of dispensational truth,
we earnestly commend this little witness.
With an increasing desire to be "found faithful",
Yours in Christ our Hope,
December, 1921.