The Berean Expositor
Volume 10 - Page 158 of 162
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A brief
SYNOPSIS of Study in
The Epistle to the Philippians.
pp. 155 - 157
A | The dividing line of Dispensational Teaching ­ Paul's Roman imprisonment.
B | The relation of the four Prison Epistles.
a | Ephesians. | Fulness. Boldness.
Seated. Not of Works.
b | Philippians. | Emptying (kenosis, 2: 7).
Things that differ (1: 10).
The Prize (3: 14).
Defence; striving; conflict (1: 7, 27).
Offer; depart (2: 17, 1: 23).
Suffer (1: 29).
a | Colossians. | Balances Ephesians.
b | II Timothy. | Forsaken (1: 15, 4: 10, 16).
Rightly divide (2: 15).
The Crown (2: 5, 12, 4: 8).
Defence; striving; fight (4: 6, 2: 5).
Depart; offer (4: 6).
Suffer (1: 12, &100:).
While Ephesians emphasizes certainty and boldness, Philippians speaks of "fear and
trembling". Philippians deals with a prize to be won, not salvation already received.
Philippians and II Timothy are the Epistles of the Prize and the Crown, hence their
emphasis on "endurance", &100:
2. EXAMPLES IN PHILIPPIANS (1: 27 ­ 4: 2).
A | 1: 27-2: 4. Stand fast, same love, same soul.
B | 2: 5. The MIND of Christ--Now.
C | 2: 6-11. The sevenfold humiliation and consequent exaltation of Christ
given as an EXAMPLE.
D | 2: 12-30. The Philippians.--" out."
Paul.--"If I be offered.....I rejoice."
Timothy.--"He did not seek his own."
Epaphroditus.--"Nigh unto death in service."
C | 3: 1-14. The sevenfold loss and gain of the Paul.
Suffering in view of the Prize.
Paul bids us note his walk as an EXAMPLE.
B | 3: 21. The BODY of His glory.--Then.
A | 4: 1, 2. Stand fast, same mind.