The Berean Expositor
Volume 10 - Page 149 of 162
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In both cases, it will be observed, time is the subject. The term time, times and a half,
is one way of referring to that period which figures so largely in Revelation, and is
spoken of sometimes as 1,260 days, sometimes as forty-two months, being three years
and a half. This we will consider in its proper place. In Rev. 10:, instead of saying that a
certain amount of time shall run its course, the angel says, "time shall be no longer".
The word "time" here is chronos. This word is used four times in the Revelation, and
its meaning will be ascertained by considering the four passages together:--
A | 2: 21. "Space to repent."--See sins detailed in verses 20 and 21,
and the threat in 22 and 23.
B | 6: 11. "A little season."--Souls slain for Word of God and testimony; told to wait.
A | 10: 6. "No longer time."--See statement concerning non-repentance
at the end of chapter 10:, and the judgment that follows.
B | 20: 3. "A little season."--Souls of beheaded for testimony and Word; now reign.
It will be seen that the passage in 10: 6 corresponds with 2: 21, and leads us to see
that the angel declares that "space for repentance shall be no longer".  Awful
announcement!  Yet who can say the Lord has not been longsuffering?  The very
complicated series of slowly increasing judgments are evidences that judgment is His
strange act. Now however the wrath is come to the uttermost, and will be poured out
without admixture. Coupled with this, we must read 6: 11. There delay is indicated
until the martyr host is complete; here the delay is finished, heaven's King is at hand, and
the martyred souls are soon to be liberated to share the reign of the thousand years. A
sharp contrast therefore is made in the messages of the two forerunners.
We said above that the mighty angel makes no call to repentance, we can now see that
he indicates that the time for repentance is over. This is indeed a "Woe". The angel's
statement however has not been completely given yet. After this declaration that there
should be time no longer he continues:--
"But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the
mystery of God should be finished also, as He hath announced the glad tidings to His
servants the prophets."
The mystery of God announced as a gospel (evangeliző) to His servants the prophets
must not be confused with the mystery revealed only to the apostle Paul. It is the
conclusion of the gospel of the kingdom, deferred owing to Israel's unrepentance, and
here strangely enough ushered in upon the impenitence of the Gentiles. There may be a
connection however here of these two hitherto separate lines of truth. The hope of the
church of the mystery is given in Col. 3: 4:--
"When Christ who is our life shall be made manifest, then shall ye also be made
manifest with Him in glory."
Before the Lord takes to Himself His great power to reign He will be "made manifest"
in glory. The church of the One Body will then be "made manifest" with Him. The time