The Berean Expositor
Volume 10 - Page 28 of 162
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Scripture and shall treat it accordingly. Who would think of treating the Psalms in the
way that Ecclesiastes is treated even by the orthodox? and yet many, if not most, of the
Psalms are in their primary setting the experiences and the findings of men who had not
even the "wisdom of Solomon".
Asaph's experience recorded in Psalm 73:, so parallel in many ways with the
outlook of Ecclesiastes, is accepted as inspired truth by the very ones who in their
superiority speak of Ecclesiastes as "under the sun"! Surely Ecclesiastes has himself
summed up the majority of adverse criticism in his inimitable words, "Vanity of vanities,
all is vanity".
#2. Koheleth. Its occurrences and testimony.
pp. 89 - 92
The book of Ecclesiastes bears upon it the same marks that we find upon the other
books of inspired Scripture, namely, the presence of a wonderfully designed structure.
This structure extends to the position and occurrence of the principal words used, and we
shall give out attention in this paper to the passages where the words THE PREACHER
The title Ecclesiastes is nearer to the meaning of the Hebrew Koheleth than "The
Preacher", for both words refer to an assembly. Koheleth might be rendered "The
Convener". This appellative is used seven times in the book, as follows:--
|  1: 1. The words of Koheleth.
B  |  a |  1: 2.  All is vanity.
b  |  1: 12, 13.  King searching by wisdom.
C  | 7: 27.  What Koheleth found.
B  |  a |  12: 8.  All is vanity.
b  |  12: 9. Koheleth wise, taught the people.
A | 12: 10.  The words of Koheleth, words of truth.
The structure of the occurrence of this word contains a challenge. It opens and closes
with "the words" of Koheleth. What shall we say of these "words"? Are they the words
of a jaded spirit, a satiated appetite? Are they to be deprecated in this age of Christian
enlightenment? Are they given as a warning, to show us what is not truth? Let the final
member of the series answer.
"Koheleth sought to find out acceptable words." Did he succeed? or was his search as
vain as was also his estimate of this world? "And that which was written was upright,
even WORDS OF TRUTH." Here are given three characteristics of the words that are
written in this book.