The Berean Expositor
Volume 10 - Page 13 of 162
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The Purpose of the Ages.
Course 100: Paper #4.
(Concluded) pp. 143
1.  What is the difference between a "dispensation", and an "age"?  Can two
dispensation be in operation at the same time?  May there be more than one
dispensation in one age? Opinions are valueless; prove all by the Scriptures.
2. What were the outstanding characteristics of the first dispensation. Show Adam's
relation to all men and to creation. Also how he typified Christ.
3. Collect references to Adam in the Scriptures. Did God plan redemption because
Adam fell? Give the most prominent differences between the first dispensation and
the others. What may we know since the fall that would not have been possible in
the first dispensation?
4. Why was the flood necessary? Who were the "Sons of God"? What was there
wrong at Babel? Of what is Babel typical? Why was Abraham called? What was
the attitude of God to the nations after the call of Abraham? Why was it necessary
for Israel to be in bondage in Egypt?
5. What are the great outstanding features and events of the fifth dispensation? What
was the revealed object of the first coming of Christ? What was the burden of His
message? Did He teach the same aspect of truth throughout His ministry?
6. What were the characteristic features of the seventh dispensation? What one book
of Scripture covers the period?
Paul's ministry, during the Acts, differs in many ways from his ministry after
Acts 28: Examine his two sets of Epistles (i.e. those not from prison, and those
from prison, which are Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and II Timothy).
7. Give references from O.T. and N.T. to show that Israel will be gathered again.
What one N.T. book deals with the 10th, 11th, and 12th dispensations? What does
Scripture teach concerning the 1,000 years' reign of Christ? What takes place after
the Millennium?