The Berean Expositor
Volume 10 - Page 5 of 162
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p. 111
You can appreciably assist by introducing this pamphlet to others. Have you ordered
a few copies for judicious distribution? It is earnestly hoped that all our readers will
assist us in this effort to interest others in a Word rightly divided. Sow the seed, and in
due season ye shall reap.
The following is extracted from a letter recently received from the United States:--
"I cannot help writing and telling you how I have been helped, and uplifted by
`UNITED YET DIVIDED'. I am over 60 years of age, and have been a Bible reader
since girlhood; it is only in recent years, however, that I began to see the Dispensations.
`UNITED YET DIVIDED' epitomizes the wondrous plan so beautifully; it is so easily
understood, so clear, that I value the copy I have more than gold. I lent it to another dear
sister (a truth-seeker), who was so delighted with it, and who also profited by the
"United, yet Divided."
p. 191
The following review appeared in the February number of The Evangelical Christian
of Toronto, Canada:--
"This booklet deals with the important subject of Dispensational Teaching and shows
the vital necessity and spiritual importance of `rightly dividing the Word of truth'. This
fundamental principle is clearly and convincingly set forth and deserves the thorough and
constant attention of all Bible students. The author's application of the principle is that
the dispensational boundary is not Pentecost but Acts 28:17-28. While he believes that
`a' Church began at Pentecost, `the' Church which is Christ's body did not begin until the
Jewish rejection of the Gospel recorded in Acts 28 took place. On this account that
chapter is the boundary line. The author has a good deal to say for his position and while
it may not be possible for all Bible students to accept it, the arguments by which it is
supported are more weighty than many have been accustomed to think. Thus Mr. Welch
calls special attention to the miraculous element promised in Mark 16:15,16, and
pertinently asks whether these signs have followed our faith and, if they have not,
whether some change of dispensation has not come in. Without necessarily accepting
every position laid down the booklet is of real value and deserves the thorough
consideration of all who love the Truth."
The Dispensations.
pp. 143, 144