The Berean Expositor
Volume 9 - Page 123 of 138
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I searched for cracks, and the wanting parts I fixed.
Three sari of bitumen I poured over the outside.
Three sari of bitumen I poured over the interior.
The season the sun god had fixed and (of which) he spake saying:
I will cause it to rain from heaven heavily.
Enter into the midst of the ship and close thy door.
Of that day when I reached the twilight,
The day which I had watched for with fear.
Then rose the water of dawn at daylight
Like a black cloud on the horizon of heaven.
The thunder god in the midst of it thundered.
Nebo and the wind god march in front.
The throne bearers (storm clouds) go o'er the mountains and plains.
The pestilence god brings with him affliction.
The war god goes in front and casts down,
The angels of earth carry destruction.
In their glory they swept through the land.
The deluge of the rain god reaches to heaven.
The darkened earth to waste is turned.
To battle against men they brought the deluge.
Brother saw not brother, men knew not one another.
And though I the mother have begotten my people,
Yet like the spawn of fishes they fill the sea.
Six days and nights.
The wind, the deluge, and the storm go on sweeping away
The seventh day when it approached the rain subsided,
And the great deluge,
Which had assailed like a host,
Was appeased.
The sea began to dry, and the wind and flood ended.
I watched the sea making a tossing,
And the whole of mankind had turned to clay.
Like reeds the corpses floated.
I opened the window, and the light struck on my face.
I was sad at heart, I sat down, I wept.
To the country of Nizir floated the ship.
The mountain of Nizir stopped the ship, and to pass over it was not able.
On the seventh day in the course of it
I sent forth the dove; it left. The dove went and returned;
A resting place it saw not, it returned back.
I sent forth a swallow, it left and turned, and
A resting place it could not see, and it returned back.
I sent forth a raven, and it left.
The raven went and the corpses which were on the water it saw.
It did eat ­ it floated and was carried away ­ it returned not.
I sent the animals forth to the four winds (of heaven).
I sacrificed a sacrifice.