The Berean Expositor
Volume 9 - Page 32 of 138
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an influence on the organ, and modify the colour secretion. Simon has shown that
freckles are nothing more than spots upon the skin of the White, presenting the
characteristics of the skin of Negro. He also says that even the attempt to divide the races
of mankind along the line of colour is founded upon entirely erroneous ideas. Among
the `Whites' there are entire populations whose skin is as black as that of the darkest of
"There are Arab and Jewish families of ancient settlement in Northern Africa, who
have become as black as the other inhabitants" (The Vestiges of Creation).
Another insecure test is that of the hair. All Negroes have not the proverbial wool.
Every possible gradation from crisp curly woolly hair to flowing hair is found among
Difference in height is sometimes taken as an argument.  The Patagonian of
6ft.3.75in. is in great contrast with the Esquimaux of 3ft.3.37in., yet the links that bind
these extremes are of such gentle gradation that it is impossible to draw the line and say,
Here one race begins and another ends. It has been ascertained that the French have
decreased in height in the islands of Mexico, whilst the British have increased in height in
The brain capacity was once thought to be a criterion, but even Haeckel, the
evolutionist, and no friend of the Bible, says:--
"Within the limits of a single race, for example, among the peoples on the
Mediterranean, the shape of the cranium can vary even to the most extreme forms."
The writer of The Vestiges of Creation quoted above says:--
"About 200 years ago, a number of people were driven by a barbarous policy from the
counties of Antrim and Down in Ireland towards the sea-coast, where they have ever
since been settled, but in unusually miserable circumstances even for Ireland; and the
consequences is, that they exhibit peculiar features of the most repulsive kind, projecting
jaws with large open mouths, depressed noses, high cheek bones, and bow legs, together
with extremely diminutive stature."
We could multiply quotations (we are indebted to the writings of Rev. John Urquhart
for those cited), but we refrain. Scripture simply and unreservedly states as a fact of
inspired truth that all the nations of the earth sprang from "one". Moreover, it does not
make the mistake of judging by outward appearance, but divides the whole of mankind
into three families, declaring that this division is the result of the families originating
from Noah's three sons. The study of language has led men to divide the human race into
three, called the Aryan (which corresponds with the Japhethic), the Semitic, and the
Turanian (which answers to the Hamitic). The Aryan family stretches from India to
England, and includes such a variety of languages as Sanscrit, Persian, Celtic, Greek,
Latin, Italian, Russian, Danish, German, English, etc. Colonel Vans Kennedy shows a
list of 900 words common to the Sanscrit and other languages of the same family. In the
Sanscrit and Persian we find such words as pader, mader, sunn, dokhter, brader, deuta,
eyeumen, nasa, none of which need translation for the English reader.