The Berean Expositor
Volume 9 - Page 2 of 138
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First of all we take this opportunity of thanking God our Father
for all the mercies that have contributed to the production of another
year's testimony.
Secondly, we want all our readers to understand our position in
connection with the state of the times. On every hand, man is uniting.
There is a tremendous activity everywhere to bring about a unity of the
flesh.  The scriptural position seems to us to be, more than ever,
independent testimony. We feel that no good purpose is served in
becoming involved, either directly or indirectly, in controversy we do
not propose to combat teaching which may run counter to that of this
witness, neither do we propose to continue Reviews under Books for
Bereans, as apart from the fact that the space at our disposal is much
too limited, we feel constrained, for several reason, to confine ourselves
to positive testimony in consonance with our title. This decision will
explain why no references has been made to the several publications
sent to us during the past few months.
To all who believe in the Scriptures of truth rightly divided, we
commend this little witness, but above all we look up to Him Who
alone has provided for and guided us through the years now past.
With every good wish in grace, through Christ,
Yours in that blessed hope,
December, 1919.