The Berean Expositor
Volume 8 - Page 38 of 141
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Coming back then to Psa. 20: we read again the prayer for the Messiah, "The Lord
hear thee in the day of trouble". With this compare Psa. 22: 11, "Be not far from me,
for trouble is near". Then it is that the prayer goes up, "The name of the God of Jacob
defend thee". This "name" the risen Lord declares unto his brethren (Psa. 22: 22). The
name that defends is "the God of Jacob", and the "seed of Jacob" is called upon to glorify
the Lord in 22: 23. The word "defend", means literally, "to set on high", and is so
rendered in Psa. 69: 29; 91: 14; and 107: 41. It is something more than defence, it is
triumphant deliverance.
The setting up of the banner in the name of the Lord when viewed in the light of the
Palestine custom speaks plainly of resurrection. This banner was set up after the THIRD
DAY! When the Lord Jesus died and was buried, it seemed to His sorrowing disciples
that indeed God had forsaken Him. It was not so, however. During these three days of
darkness, the prince of this world was judged, and on that resurrection morning the
banner was set up in the name of our God, indicating his triumph over the powers of
darkness. How full of meaning is that cry on the cross, "My God, My God, why hast
Thou forsaken Me?" When He cried, "Deliver My soul from the sword, My darling from
the power of the dog" (Psa. 22: 20), He was calling on the NAME, and He could at
length say, "When He cried unto Him, He heard" (verse 24).
The third reference to "the name" in Psa. 20: seems to be the result of the great
saving strength put forth in the behalf of the Messiah, and its effect upon believers.
"Now I know that the Lord saveth His anointed. . . . Some trust in chariots, and
some in horses; but we will make mention of the name of the Lord our God. They are
brought down and fallen; but we are risen and stand upright."
As we realize that faith goes out to God who quickeneth the dead, so we realize that
all earthly and carnal strength is vain. "We will make mention of the name of our God".
He who on that resurrection morning vindicated the trust reposed in Him by His
well-beloved Son, is worthy of our fullest confidence.