The Berean Expositor
Volume 7 - Page 16 of 133
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Fundamentals of Dispensational Truth.
The Six Days of Creation.
pp. 10-15
The first act of God that is recorded as taking place in the present order of things is an
act of restoration, an act of giving life out of death, and light out of darkness. This
present creation was ushered in by an act of grace, even as it will be followed by the fruit
of glory. Many of our readers may remember arguments designed to adjust Gen. 1: with
geology. Genesis is God's revelation, geology is man's imperfect discovery. We do not
need to adjust God's revelation to man's imperfect discoveries. We have to be careful,
however, to distinguish between God's revelation and man's interpretation.
Here geology and theology stand more upon equal terms. The one is the finding of
erring men in the records of God's works, the other, the finding of erring men in His
Word. These findings may continually disagree, but between His works and His Word
there can exist nothing but harmony. One set of interpreters tell us that the earth was
brought into existence, was created in the absolute sense of the term, about 6,000 years
ago. Another set tell us that they require countless millions of years to account for what
they see in the crust of the earth. Some demand a period wherein the fossilized remains
of extinct animals, and the fossilized forests that make the coal fields, shall have lived
and flourished. Others, by reason of their attachment to another interpretation, have gone
so far as to assert that the rocks were created with the fossils in them just as we find
them!  The microscope turns the chalk cliffs of Dover into masses of minute shells,
shells which once contained living organisms. When once we have seen that the present
creation which occupied six days in making is a successor to one that was created "in the
beginning", the demands of the geologist for as many million years as he may require
make not the slightest alteration necessary in the revelation of God. The six days'
creation is set out in detail, and the order and arrangement as given seem to be purposely
designed to foreshadow the sequence of events that constitute the outworking of the
purpose of the ages. Six days are occupied in work, one in rest. That there is some
definite arrangement may be seen in the following.
1st day.
A | Day and Night. Division. Light.
2nd day.
B | Waters. Division. The Firmament.
3rd day.
C | Earth. Division. Grass, herb and fruit.
4th day.
A | Day and night. Division. Light bearers.
5th day.
B | Waters. The Firmament.
6th day.
C | Earth. For cattle, grass. For man, seed and fruit.
It will be observed that the first three days complete the extent of creation, that is to
say, they deal with light, heaven, and earth. In the second set of three those creatures that
are to appropriate and enter into the creation already brought forth are created. The light
of the first day is concentrated on the fourth day; there we have not light, but luminaries
or light-bearers. The day and the night which were divided from one another in the first
day, are ruled over by the moon and the sun, respectively, on the fourth. The waters and
the firmament are dealt with on the second day. The waters already exist (they are not