The Berean Expositor
Volume 7 - Page 2 of 133
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It is our exceedingly joyous task, in the midst of all the sad
evidences of sin and its works, to pen a few lines of gratefulness
for the continuance of the witness of this expository monthly.
This continuance through another year, involving as it does
time, health and money, beside the higher gifts of the Lord's grace,
is of itself a witness to the faithfulness and sufficiency of our
gracious God.
We feel it to be our mission, should the Lord continue His
mercy toward us, still to keep zealously to the confines of our title,
The Berean Expositor, and to avoid all temptations to turn aside
into reasonings and disputings, or deal with topics that are outside
the expositor's sphere.
We hope, D.5:, before the conclusion of 1918 to have
commenced the exposition of two other books of the Bible.
May we all still find "grace sufficient".
Yours in that blessed hope,
December, 1917.