The Berean Expositor
Volume 6 - Page 93 of 151
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portion of our article. The current issue contains our demonstration of the essential
oneness of the two epistles, and while some may not be inclined to agree with our
findings, we trust that none will attribute to us any other motives than those of a sincere
desire for the truth. For any unnecessary pain our words may have caused we express our
most sincere regret, and pray that grace may be given to enable us more than ever to
speak the truth in love, and to avoid even the appearance of evil.
#5.  Col. 1: 14-22.
Things in earth and heaven.
pp. 20 - 27
We pass from the larger context of the Epistle to the immediate verses which treat of
this great subject. The close parallel with the epistle to the Ephesians, together with the
internal witness of the Epistle itself, emphasizes the exclusive, elective character of its
teaching. What it has to say concerning the ages has entirely to do with their relation to
the mystery, not in any sense an exposition of what the ages themselves will bring
(Col. 1: 26). If the reader will look at the eleven references to the ages that occur in the
Prison Epistles, he will see how exceedingly conservative the teaching is. Nothing is
mentioned outside the boundary of the Mystery and the One Body, unless we except
those references which ascribe glory to God.
A complete structure has not been attempted, but we think the following will be
sufficient to show the balance of the various clauses that constitute the range of the
passage before us.
Col. 1: 14-22.
A | 14. Redemption.
B | 15-17.  C | 15. Image, Firstborn.
D | a | 16. Creation. By Him. Through Him. For Him.
Heaven and earth.
b | 17. Pre-eminence.
B | 18-20.  C | 18. Head. Beginning. Firstborn.
D |
b | 18. Pre-eminence.
a | 19, 20. Reconciliation. By Him. Through Him. For Him.
Earth and Heaven.
A | 21, 22. Peace.
Several items now call for careful attention before we summarize. First we must keep
in mind the "remoter context" of Eph. 2: It will be remembered that in that passages we
have the word "create" occurring twice.  Eph. 2: 10, "For we are His making, having
been created in Christ Jesus"; and 2: 15, "In order that the two He might create in
Himself into one new man, making peace." The new creation only is in view here. In
Colossians we have not only the new creation, but the old creation as well brought before
us. The reason for this is plainly given. In both spheres Christ is Chief, Head, First. He