The Berean Expositor
Volume 6 - Page 91 of 151
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The dispensation of the fulness of the seasons, and the time of the reconciling of all
things in heaven and earth appear to synchronize, and the many points in common
between Eph. 1: 9, 10 and 3: 9, 10, when viewed in the light of Col. 1:, make it appear
that the dispensation of the fulness of the seasons is NOW, and not, as is often supposed,
a future period. The dispensation of the mystery committed to Paul is vitally linked with
the reconciliation of the things in heaven and earth in Col. 1: The great theme of these
epistles is the mystery. This mystery does not touch mankind as a whole, but an election
only. Of mankind as a whole it is not written that they were chosen in Him before the
overthrow of the world, and mankind as a whole are not blessed with every spiritual
blessing in the heavenlies. Mankind as a whole do not form the body of Christ. The
dispensation covered by these Prison Epistles is elective in character, and present in
operation. The references to the future are concerning this elect company, and not
concerning Israel and the Nations as such. It is utterly unscriptural, in the face of the
repeated emphasis of the Apostle, to teach from these statements, divinely limited and
elective, doctrines which are universal and general. With the exception of Eph. 1: 10,
every reference to a dispensation in the Scriptures is to a period either past or present,
never future.
What is stated in Eph. 1: 10, and 22, 23, is the same as is found in Col. 1: 18 and
2: 10. This dual Headship of things in the heavens and on the earth, this reconciling of
things in the heavens and the earth, is an accomplished fact; the very tense of the word in
Col. 1: testifying to this.
We must not imagine that because the Scriptures speaks of the dispensation of the
fulness of the seasons, that it means that the dispensation is a future one, or is the last and
grand conclusion of the seasons. A parallel may be seen in the expression "the fulness of
the time" in Gal. 4: 4. The fulness of the time then could not mean the conclusion,
although it may well be represented by an apex or focus.
"The fulness" is the overwhelming title of the church (Eph. 1: 22, 23), the goal of its
growth in love (3: 19), and the measure of its faith (4: 13). If ever a dispensation
claimed the title, the present dispensation of the mystery does. In doctrine, in practice, in
hope, the one word fulness expresses truth which cannot be so applied to any other
dispensation. Of all the seasons that have run or have to run their appointed course, the
dispensation of the mystery claims to be the fulness. The present season, the present
dispensation, is put into contrast with the dispensation which preceded it, for in
Eph. 2: 12, when speaking of the dispensational disadvantages of the Gentiles, the
Apostle speaks of "that season" (kairos). There are other season mentioned in the Word.
Rom. 3: 26 speaks of a season in contrast to the period before the proclamation of
righteousness by faith. Rom. 11: 5 speaks of the same season during which there was a
remnant of Israel according to election, and 8: 18 tells us that it is a season of
suffering.  Rom. 5: 6 translates it "due time."  I Tim. 2: 6; 6: 15; and Titus 1: 3
definitely teach that certain lines of truth are apportioned to different seasons for their
manifestation. The present dispensation of the mystery is the fulness of the seasons. The
fulness of time was marked by the birth into this world of the Lord Jesus Christ; the