The Berean Expositor
Volume 6 - Page 20 of 151
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52: 13-15,  corresponds in the structure to  53: 10-12,  this equal apportioning is
emphasized. "AS many were astonished at Thee"--by reason of the marks of His
suffering--"SO" shall they be surprised at the evidence of His glory when He is "exalted
and extolled" and shall be "very high."
We next observe that this dividing is connected with two persons.
"Therefore will I divide . . . . . and HE shall divide," and also observe "with the
great" and "with the strong."
There is something of a parallel here to such passages as, "Ask of Me, and I will
give the heathen, thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth thy possession"
(Psa. 2: 8).
The reward of the Saviour is, in part, entered by those who by His grace overcome.
Take for example Rev. 3: 21, "To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in
My throne, even as I overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne." Still
closer to the point is Rev. 2: 26, 27, for there Psa. 2: 8, 9, which originally is the
fulfillment of "I will divide," is quoted as of the believer, "he shall divide."
Heb. 1: 9 throws light on the expression "therefore will I divide Him a portion with
the great," for it declares that "God hath anointed Thee with the oil of gladness above thy
fellows." Or again in Heb. 1: 4, "he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name
than" the angels, being indeed raise far above principality and power.
You might notice the context of the first occurrence in Isaiah of "dividing the spoil"
(9: 3). It is the time of deliverance and of the accession of the Son of David to His
throne. Or in 33: 23, where Israel's restoration is in view, and the King is seen in
His beauty, in direct contrast, and in answer to Isa. 53:, where His visage being more
marred than any man, had no beauty that Israel should desire Him. We trust these few
thoughts will point you in the direction of a fuller understanding of this and related
No. 18.--T.J.M.--"Regarding Rom. 16: 25, 26: I have never yet been able
to interpret this Scripture as referable to the members of the One Body."
Neither do we believe that this passage refers to the mystery as revealed in Ephesians.
In Romans 16: 25,  the mystery under consideration is qualified by the following
It hath been silenced in age times.
It was made manifest at the time of writing the Epistles.
It was made known to all nations for the obedience of faith.
Of the mystery of Ephesians it is written that it had been hidden by God since the
ages--a much stronger expression than "silenced" or "hushed."  The mystery of