The Berean Expositor
Volume 6 - Page 18 of 151
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"overcomers" concerning whose history the book is full. After the 1,000 years, and
before the great white throne is a period whose length we have no means of measuring; it
is spoken of as "the ages of the ages" (Rev. 20: 10) during which much O.T. prophecy
will be fulfilled.  Dan. 12: 1, 2 places resurrection in close conjunction with the great
tribulation, and makes no mention of the intervening thousand years of the millennium,
just as in John 5: 29 those that come forth to the "resurrection of life" are not separated
by any time mark from those who come forth to a resurrection of judgment. This may be
explained on the principle which applies to the close proximity of the suffering and the
glory of the Lord Jesus, the interval being silently passed over, or it may indicate that all
of these are raised together. O.T. saints, like believers now, differed much in their
faithfulness and watchfulness, and differences of position so far as reward is concerned
are indicated in regard to them. Some obtained a good report through faith, who thereby
will obtain a better resurrection (Heb. 11: 35). This seems to indicate that some O.T.
saints will be raised in a different company and for a different glory than others.
As to those who stand before the great white throne, the Scripture speaks of them
simply as "the dead" (Rev. 20: 12, 13), giving no moral titles other than "small and
great." They are judged according to their works. The Gentiles who knew not the law
(Rom. 2:) will be among them. It is not a necessary conclusion to say that if any one
stands before the great white throne that such a one is lost. It is true that he has lost the
eonian kingdom and glory, but it by no means follows that he will be cast into the lake of
fire. The words of the original of Rev. 20: 15 are definite:--
"If ANY ONE (singular) was not found written in the book of life HE was cast into
the lake of fire."
Fuller answers to your questions will come in the articles on the Revelation.
Regarding the time of the woman's persecution (Rev. 12:), Matt. 24: 15 indicates it as
the time of the Antichrist's open desecration of the temple. This seems to be the same
period as "the midst of the seven" of Dan. 9: 27. Rev. 12: 6, 14 gives periods of time
equal to three and a half years (see also Rev. 11: 12).
Do not allow your mind to be bound by the idea that only one period of seven years
("the last seven of Dan. 9:") is necessarily the only prophetic period left. We have
before us strong scriptural evidence that a threefold seven is indicated by Dan. 9: As
possible for the time covered by the Revelation. This we shall put forward in due course.