The Berean Expositor
Volume 4 & 5 - Page 117 of 161
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Berean Expositor Volume 4 & 5
Studies in the Book of the Revelation.
The relation of the book to the rest of the Bible.
pp. 4-7
Much of the failure to understand the Scriptures arises from the fact that we approach
its pages thinking that we have to explain the Bible, instead of realizing that the Bible has
been written to explain things to us. Further, we approach the various books of the Bible,
as though they had no connection with the rest of Scripture, and thereby fail to perceive
the beautiful design running through the entire Word.  In approaching the book of
Revelation it is of the utmost importance to notice its place in the canon of Scripture, and
the relation which it holds to the remainder of the inspired Word. The simplest and at the
same time the most obvious relation is the connection of this last book with the first, viz.,
Genesis tells us of the creation, the Serpent's deception, the loss of Paradise, the
forfeiture of the right to the tree of life, the entrance of sin, death, and the curse.
Revelation tells us of the new creation, the end of the Serpent's deception, the restoration
of Paradise, the right to the tree of life, and the blessed fact that there shall be "no more
death," and "no more curse." Gen. 3: contains in a brief statement the great prophecy
concerning the Seed of the woman, and the seed of the Serpent. Revelation shows us in
fuller detail the final and complete fulfilment of this basic prophecy.
Coming to the New Testament we find in the opening book, the Gospel of Matthew, a
striking and obvious connection between this Gospel of the Kingdom, and the Revelation.
Matthew presents us with the coming of the "Son of man" in lowliness, finally showing
us His rejection by Israel as their King, His head crowned with thorns, and the Gentiles
successor of Nebuchadnezzar's dominion preferred to the King of God's appointment.
The Revelation has an answer to this, just as it had an answer to all that was said in
Genesis. In the Revelation the Lord is seen coming again, still as the Son of man, this
time in great glory, this time crowned with many crowns, this time to enter into His place
as heaven's appointed King to rule with a rod of iron, to overthrow the final blasphemous
development of Gentile dominion, and to usher in that perfect kingdom concerning which
all the prophets had spoken.
In studying the teaching of the New Testament books, a great deal can be gathered
from the way in which they use the Old Testament Scriptures. When we find that
Matthew refers to the Old Testament Scriptures about 92 times, and that the epistle to the
Hebrews contains in its short compass 102 O.T. references, we are at once impressed
with the fact that these books contain some line of teaching which has a real connection
with the purpose and people of Old Testament times. When we consider the Prison
Epistles, and note how very few references they contain to the Old Testament, we are at