The Berean Expositor
Volume 4 & 5 - Page 113 of 161
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aware that the enduring of that awful cross and the shedding of that precious blood
resulted in death, yet that death is not here mentioned as the cause of this full
reconciliation, just as, conversely, that cross and that blood are not mentioned as the
procuring cause of the lesser reconciliation. So, therefore, in Eph. 2: 13 we read, "But
now, in Christ Jesus, ye who once were far off, have been made nigh by the blood of
The apostle now proceeds to amplify this wondrous statement. The cast off nations
had already been "made nigh" as a result of the death of Christ, but that was a
dispensational change, giving them facilities and possibilities of blessing which had been
denied them during Israel's ascendancy. To be made nigh by the blood of Christ,
however, was something more than a possibility of blessing, it was a glorious,
unchangeable blessing itself, not, as in the katallasső reconciliation, world wide, but,
though addressed to Gentiles, it addressed a predestinated and elect company of them.
To stumble at the absolute, unconditional election on the threshold of Ephesians is to
make an initial and fundamental mistake. Eph. 2: speaks of the same class as Eph. 1: a
predestinated elect number, and to apply the reconciliation of this passage universally is a
fatal error.
We are indebted to those whose position we feel justified in thus describing for the
structure of these parenthetical verses, and the near approach to the truth evidenced in so
many passages in their writings only emphasizes the blinding power of the preconceived
error that reconciliation is universal and future, and that it is the goal of the ages.
Expansion of B e, Eph. 2: 14-18.
The Reconciliation.
B e | a1 | He is our peace.
b1 | "The both" made one (ta amphotera).
c1 | The middle wall broken.
d1 | The enmity in His flesh.
c1 | Law, commandments, ordinances abolished.
b1 | "The two" created into one new man.
a1 | Making peace.
a2 | Reconciliation to God.
b2 | "The both" in one body (tous amphoterous).
c2 | Through the cross.
d2 | The enmity slain.
c2 | Preaching peace to far and near.
b2 | "The both" in one spirit (oi amphoteroi).
a2 | Access to the Father.
This section is so full that it is difficult to know where to start, as so much seems to
claim attention.  Let us first of all carefully observe the answering clauses in the
structure. Under the letter "a" we have peace, reconciliation and access, truths that are
linked together very intimately as we hope to show. Under "b" we have the parties
concerned in the reconciliation, "The both," "The two." Under the same letter we also
have "one,"  "one new man,"  "one body,"  "one spirit."
Under "c" we have