The Berean Expositor
Volume 4 & 5 - Page 40 of 161
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brethren and able Bible students have allowed their feelings and their wishes to carry
them to this false position, forcing I Cor. 15: to teach that which is foreign to it.
Let us be Bereans in reality, believing all that the Scriptures say, but not believing
anything that men, good men, better men than ourselves may say that Scripture says,
until we have searched and seen whether these things be so.
Structure of I Corinthians 15:
pp. 111-112
Space would not allow us in our last article to give more than the barest outline of this
important chapter, and as we shall be giving it further consideration in subsequent issues,
we feel that there are many who will find the following suggested outline of service:--
I Corinthians 15:
The structure of the chapter as a whole.
A1 | 1-11. The evidence and evangelistic importance of the resurrection of Christ.
A | 1, 2. "The gospel which I preached" and "ye received."
B | 3-. "I delivered unto you that which I received."--
--The gospel no human invention.
C | -3, 4. Evidence of Scripture--"according."
a | Christ died.
b | He was buried.
c | He rose again.
C | 5-8. Evidence of eye-witness--"seen."
a | Seen of Cephas.
b | Then of the twelve.
c | Seen of 500 brethren.
a | Seen of James.
b | Then of all the apostles.
c | Seen of me also.
B | 9, 10. "Yet not I, but the grace of God."--
--Paul's apostleship no predisposition on his part.
A | 11. "I or they, so we preach, and so ye believed."
A2 | 12-34. The fact of the resurrection of Christ and man.
A | 12. The fact of resurrection.  "How?"
B | 13-33. Adam brings in death. Death destroyed by Christ.
C | 34. Exhortation.  "Awake."
A3 | 35-58. The manner of the resurrection.
A | 35. The manner of resurrection.  "How?"  "With what?"
B | 36-57. The first man and the second. Death swallowed up in victory.
C | 58.  Exhortation.  "Be stedfast. "