The Berean Expositor
Volume 4 & 5 - Page 7 of 161
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Prayer would be valued regarding the faithfulness of this little magazine. Readers can
hardly imagine the continued pressure under which we seek to maintain our stand.
Inducements are held out from many sides, either to commit ourselves to unproved
teaching, to omit any reference to debatable doctrine, or to take up an attitude for or
against certain ideas from the position of the champion of a creed. These things are ever
so much harder to meet than direct opposition. They come from well meaning friends,
not from open enemies. We do not want to be unkind, but we must speak plainly. Under
no circumstances can this magazine champion any one line of teaching to the closing
down of enquiry into some other opposing line.  Under no circumstances can the
magazine hesitate to follow the teaching of the Word merely because in past pages we
have made certain statements which would be rendered untrue by such following. We
desire the truth, and if the discovery of truth should render null and void every number of
The Berean Expositor yet published we should not consider that it had failed of its
purpose, but should rather see in this its greatest fulfilment. No reader of the magazine is
asked to make it his Bible. All we can do, or dare attempt, is to open up the Word.
Dear reader, if this is your desire we gladly welcome your fellowship. If, however,
you have some pet idea which must always be favoured, never discussed and never upset,
then we are afraid you will be out of sympathy with our little witness. It is human nature
that expresses itself in the words so often uttered or written to us to the effect that we are
afraid of facing certain lines of teaching, or that we are prevented from so doing by
certain considerations. We feel fairly easy, however, on these points, as the same thing is
said from so many sides as to render the statement contradictory. We feel a sympathy
with Paul the apostle when we find how much he was misrepresented and abused, though
by saying this we do not pretend to be as faithful or as innocent of self-seeking as that
man of God, far from it. Readers will pardon, we trust, this somewhat personal note, yet
sometimes these statements are necessary to clear the atmosphere and keep us walking in
a straight path.
"After All."
p. 186 (end)
The words "truly" (verse 1), "verily" (5: 13), and "surely" (5: 18), of Psalm 73:, are
renderings of the same Hebrew word, and may be rendered uniformly by the one Phrase,
"after all." Psa. 73: commences the third book of the Psalms, and gives particular
prominence to the sanctuary. The first verse is practically a summary, not merely of the
whole Psalm, but of the whole section (73: - 89:). "After all, God is good to Israel,
even to such as are of a clean heart." This conclusion, however, was not reached by
Asaph at once. Verse 2 commences his experimental lesson. Asaph was envious at the
arrogant when he saw that they were not in trouble as other men. He, like so many of us,
saw merely the external and present, "Until I went into the sanctuary of God, then
understood I their end" (verse 17). From that standpoint envy turns to pity. He no longer
says that he has cleansed his heart in vain, but confesses, "After all, Thou didst set them