The Berean Expositor
Volume 2 & 3 - Page 102 of 130
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Here the apostle witnesses to mystery of grace and magnificent mercy beyond our
wildest dreams. Truly, our God delighteth in mercy. The Jews gave occasion for greater
mercy by their unbelief, the Gentiles by their faith. The promises are yet to be fulfilled.
God hath not cast away His foreknown people. All Israel shall yet be saved, ungodliness
shall be turned away from Jacob. "As regards the gospel, they are enemies on your
(Gentiles) account, but as regards the election, beloved because of the fathers" (11: 28).
Here are God's own words. Here are the words of the One Who is working out His
mighty purpose.  "Blinded," "hardened," "broken off," "scattered," wanderers for
centuries, yet "beloved because of the fathers." They were not forgotten, "for God hath
shut up all in unbelief;" Why? Orthodoxy would say, "In order to pour out upon them
His wrath," but God says, "that He might show mercy upon all"--and the "all" is the
same in each case. No wonder, in such a sea of grace, the apostle should feel out of his
depth. It was beyond him, he could not trace it out, but he rejoiced in it, and added his
hearty, Amen:--
A | "Oh the depth of the riches (riches),
B | both of the wisdom (wisdom),
C | and knowledge of God (knowledge),
D | how unsearchable are His judgments (unsearchable),
D | and His ways past finding out (untraceable).
C | For who hath known the mind of the Lord? (knowledge).
B | or who hath been His counseller? (wisdom).
A | or who first gave to Him and it shall be recompensed unto him again? (riches).
for of Him, and through Him, and to Him, are all things,
to Him be glory for ever and ever, Amen" (Rom.11:33-36).
We must leave the final clause of the commission for consideration next time.
Meanwhile, may many be stirred up to follow Paul in so far as he followed his Lord.