The Berean Expositor
Volume 2 & 3 - Page 92 of 130
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circumstances; if it had been necessary and right for us to have known, the Lord could
have given us a most graphic and detailed account. Ezek.xxviii.17 suggests that by pride
he fell.  The lesson is clear, but details which would minister to our curiosity are
withheld. When the risen Lord spoke His wondrous words to the disciples, as recorded
in Luke 24:, we read that He began at Moses and the Prophets (verse 27).  He could
have begun much earlier. He could have told of the time when Satan fell, and even have
given definite instructions regarding the many problems upon which the minds of men
have speculated for all time.  He could have settled in a few words the problem of the
introduction, permission and purpose of evil. We are not told that He did any such thing,
but "beginning at Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded (or interpreted) unto them
in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself."
From our reading of the Word we have come to see that eternity is nowhere its theme.
The Bible is entirely taken up with the purpose of the ages. Even then we have to see
that the Bible largely passes over much that we would like to know within the limits even
of the ages, and focuses our attention first upon the chosen people of Israel, and for a
short space upon the church of the present dispensation.  Its object is not so much to
explain all to us, but to guide us during this our pilgrimage with the happy knowledge
that in resurrection glory we shall have time and opportunity to become acquainted with
the wider revelation of God's purpose and ways.
Let us not attempt to force back the roll beyond the appointed limits.  Let us be
content to say of some things that we do not know, because God has not told us.  We
shall be more pleasing to Him by so doing, than if we take the responsibility upon
ourselves of completing the revelation which He has purposely left unfinished.  Once
more we would remark that in all that we have said we desire it to be understood that we
are not questioning or doubting God's Holy Word, but rather bow before His sovereignty,
acknowledging equally the sovereign wisdom that lies behind the withholding of much
that we might have expected to be written.
Let us keep close to what is written. Let us be content with what God has said, and if
some lines of truth appear to conflict, let us not attempt to reconcile them, for the very
attempt savours of unbelief, but let us be assured that when we see the complete purpose
unfolded, all will be perfect and harmonious, and transcend the highest flight of our
present imaginations.