The Berean Expositor
Volume 2 & 3 - Page 80 of 130
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Berean Expositor Volume 2 & 3.
pp.153-156 (End)
We have received for review a booklet (126 pp.) entitled "All in all, the goal of the
Universe," published at the Office of "Unsearchable Riches," 2823, E. Sixth Street, Los
Angeles, Cal., price 20c.
Whatever difference there may be between the writers of this booklet and the
reviewer, however plainly we may speak with regard to any passages which we may feel
have not been truthfully interpreted, we desire, even at the risk of appearing unduly
solicitous, to discountenance any idea that our love for the brethren concerned is altered,
or that we attribute to them any conscious misdealing with the Word of truth. Pioneers of
necessity have many difficulties undreamed of by those who sit securely at home, and
seeing that The Berean Expositor is also traversing neglected paths and untrod territory,
we very really sympathize with all true "Bereans," fallible though they may be as
ourselves. Our review must of necessity be brief, but as the subject herein discussed is
on our programme to follow the series on the "Wages of Sin," we shall be able to give a
more extended commendation or criticism in those articles as we deal with the various
The booklet appears to fall under two headings. The first, for which we thank God, is
expository, the second, with which we cannot associate ourselves, is arrived at by a
process of deduction and inference. The chapters dealing with the "Ages" contain much
that is of the first importance. They set before the reader every passage wherein the
Greek words aiġn and aiġnios occur, classified into groups. With this method of research
The Berean Expositor (if true to its title) must of necessity be at one. Whether we agree
with all the inferences drawn is, however, another question.  While there is this
commendable element of exposition, its value is marred somewhat by the assumptions
and deductions which form a large portion of the argument.
On page 53 the writer speaks of Heb.ix.26 as "a puzzling passage." We are certain
that the attempted explanation of the passage will prove a greater puzzle to most readers.
"The puzzle" is the result of the assumption that one age, and one only, must be
considered as covering the period from the Flood to the Day of the Lord. Right through
the book the good exposition is spoiled by the fact that the writers have a theory already
formed in their minds. Where direct exposition is of service they are powerful, where
they need to go beyond what is written, they fall into the very error which they justly
Page 6 contains the following true statement, ". . . . and in His Word has given us
all necessary knowledge concerning `things to come'." Page 9 says, "Speculation--the
mother of assumption. . . . simply a wild hazard at possible truth." These two
sentences seem to contain a summary of the book that contains them. Where the writers
are content to go no further than what is written, they do us service, beyond that, all must
be "a wild hazard at possible truth," and that is harmful. The awful error of eternal