The Berean Expositor
Volume 2 & 3 - Page 77 of 130
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Once again we see how fully the Lord was meeting the disciples' need, by showing
them the way in which God's purpose concerning Israel was to run its course, and how
the very trials and hindrances would be made to contribute to the glorious end in view.
The Drag Net.
pp. 149-153
In the preceding parable we had the remnant of Israel likened to that which is the most
valuable treasure of the sea ­ the pearl. We are now to consider two kinds of fish which
are gathered from the sea, and to note their meaning. We have pointed out the fact that
structurally and in subject the two parables of the Tares and the Net are very similar. The
tares indicate the hypocrites, the counterfeit, that which was sown by the Devil in
imitation of the true wheat. We observed that this parable had a particular and primary
application to Israel and the state of the kingdom.
The net draws to shore fish both "good" and "bad." So far we see the parallel: the
wheat and the tares being two kinds of grain, one good and one bad; the fish being of two
kinds, the one good and the other bad. But here comes a noteworthy difference, for
whereas it is evident that the tares were intended to counterfeit the wheat, there is not the
slightest warrant for supposing that the "bad" fish counterfeited the "good." Further, the
wheat and the tares deal with two kinds of seed, whereas the net "gathered of every kind."
Another point to be remembered is the different order given with regard to the separation
of the two kinds. Let us carefully consider the interpretation given by our Lord of these
two related parables, noticing their points of contact and divergence.
Interpretation of the Drag Net
Interpretation of the Tares
(Matt. 13: 49, 50).
(Matt. 13: 37-43).
Spoken only to disciples.
Spoken only to disciples.
He that soweth the good seed is the Son of man.
The field is the world.
The good seed are the sons of the kingdom.
The tares are the sons of the wicked one.
The enemy that sowed them is the devil.
The harvest is the end of the age.
The reapers are the angels.
As the tares are gathered and burned, so shall it be at the
So shall it be at the end of the age.
end of the age:
The Son of man shall send forth His angels, and they
The angels shall come forth, and sever the
shall gather out of His kingdom all things that offend, and
wicked from among the just, and shall cast
them that do iniquity, and shall cast them into a furnace of
them into a furnace of fire, there shall be
fire, there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth
wailing and gnashing of teeth.
Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the
kingdom of their Father.