The Berean Expositor
Volume 2 & 3 - Page 11 of 130
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ruled by the "Prince of the power of the air," wage war against those who, through grace,
are destined to share the heavenly glory of the church of the mystery.
Dan. 10: shows us the powerful agencies which satan pitted against the revealed
purpose of God appertaining to Israel, and Eph. 6: 12 teaches us that this foe of truth still
antagonises the purpose of God, and that they who believe the revelation of the mystery
"wrestle not with blood and flesh, but with principalities, with powers, with the
worldholders of this darkness, with spiritual things of wickedness, in heavenly places."
Our spiritual foes are beneath the feet of Christ, let us therefore be strong in the Lord and
in the power of His might, realizing that just as our life is hid with Christ in God, so our
blessings, likewise, are safely guarded in heaven's "holiest of all" in the light, where
neither moth nor rust corrupt, nor thieves break through and steal--"far above all."
Answers to Correspondents.
pp. 113-121
W.H.G.T., Toronto, writes:--"I have just read with interest the papers
given before the Prophecy Investigation Society, and I observe that
your view of Acts and I Thessalonians came in for some criticism.
Some time or other I should be glad if you would discuss the point raised
by Mr. Hogg, that the Jews had been definitely set aside three years before
Paul visited Rome. This point, and also those mentioned, seem to me to
call for notice."
Is it true that the nation of Israel was set aside three years before Paul's visited Rome?
The statement was made and referred to as "a significant fact," and if it is a fact we ought
to know it, and keep it constantly in mind as we study the Word with reference to our
particular calling.
The passage referred to is the great dispensational section of the epistle to the
Romans--chapters 9:, 10:, 11: We will not argue the matter apart from revelation; like
the Psalmist let us say, "I hate thoughts, but Thy law do I love." The great point of
emphasis in chapter 9: is the fact that God's elective purposes overrule all things relative
to His purposes. The temptation to linger over the opening verses is great, but must be
put aside as we are here reading these chapters to see whether the "significant fact"
asserted above is true. The first statement which has a particular bearing upon the
question before us is found in verses 27-29:--
"Esaias also crieth concerning Israel, Though the number of the children of Israel be
as the sand of the sea, A REMNANT shall be saved. . . . except the Lord of Sabbath
had left us a SEED, we had been as Sodoma, and been made like unto Gomorrha."