The Berean Expositor
Volume 1 - Page 53 of 111
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and what the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the holiest of all"? If our eyes have
been enlightened, then we may say the prayer of Eph. 1: 18-20. The Lord will make plain
the hope, and the riches of the glory.
Daniel (Dan. 10:), Isaiah (Isa. 6:), Job (Job 42:), Paul (Acts 9:), and John (Rev. 1:) all
testify to the exceeding greatness of the heavenly vision. We must not expect to
apprehend all at once the things for which we have been apprehended by Christ
(Phil. 3:). We want no "word battles." The apostle in Phil. 3: 15 says:--
"Let us therefore, as many as be perfect (full grown, initiated), be thus minded, and if
in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you."
We have no commission to "strive." With meekness and gentleness we seek to teach
the truth as far as we see it. We seek grace to be patient, to bear up under evil, in
meekness instructing those who oppose themselves, peradventure God will give them a
change of mind unto the knowledge of the truth. We can no more have two baptisms, if
the Lord says to us in the sevenfold unity of the Spirit that there is but one. We can no
more observe "Days" or "Sabbaths"; we can no more observe the Feast of Unleavened
Bread, the Day of Atonement, the Passover, the Feast of Weeks or Pentecost, for all these
things have passed away. So also the Lord's Supper. Instituted to look back (as the
Passover looked forward) to the One who shed the blood of the new covenant, it has its
place in the dispensation of the kingdom. The Lord's Supper is to the new covenant what
the Passover Feast was to the Jew under the old covenant, and first typical deliverance.
Those who are "children of faithful Abraham," whether Jews or Gentiles, are looking for
the same inheritance as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, whose affections, or minds, are
connected with the earth and its blessing; these may, with some show of consistency,
perpetuate the ordinance of the Lord's Supper, but those who have been blessed with all
spiritual blessings in the heavenlies in Christ, who died with Christ, and who have been
raised together with Him, whose hopes are not linked with a renewed earth, but with a
new heaven, whose citizenship is not in the new Jerusalem which "comes down out of
heaven," but is in heaven itself, whose destiny is not to sit upon thrones, judging Israel or
the nations, but to show in the ages to come, unto principalities and powers in the
heavenlies, the Lord's wonderful grace to them, these will find Christ to be their all,
without the aid of type or symbol.
It is pleasant and refreshing to meet together with the Lord's people. The temptation to
remain silent on these things is great. Do we show our love to Him who gave Himself for
us by participating in a feast over which we begin to fell uneasy? Do we value
opportunities of service above faithfulness? The Lord does not accept our service in this
way. Let us be willing to limit our sphere of so-called service if it is to be at the expense
of faithfulness. Let us be willing to "go out, not knowing"; let us be willing to suffer the
loss of the fellowship of believers; let us be content to be misunderstood and
misrepresented. He is with us; He knows; He sees the heart; men only see the outward
appearance. Though all forsake us, we may say with Paul, "I know whom I have