The Berean Expositor
Volume 1 - Page 11 of 111
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and the epistles written before Acts 28: have much that is transitional in them. It is
with the view of opening up these subjects that these introductory statements have been
necessary. We are fully aware that writers abler than ourselves have given expression to
similar things, but having now laid the foundation we hope to go forward in this
wonderful field of research, and we go forward alone, so far as any human aid is
concerned. Others have felt that which we feel, others have expressed a belief as to the
"possibility" of some of these things, but we believe the time has come for a witness to
the first lost truths to begin to be sounded. As time goes on, the Lord willing, we shall
take up the subject of "The transitional parts of Romans, etc.," "The gifts of the Spirit,"
"The purpose of Hebrews," "Hebrews 6:," "The unity of the Spirit," "Christendom," and
related subjects.
We conclude this introductory article by summarizing:--
1. Israel have always had, and will yet have, the chief place in the dispensational
dealings of God, and the prophetic parts of the Old Testament are entirely
connected with their national existence.
2. The great dividing line must be looked for not at Matt. 1:, nor Acts 2:, but where
Israel as a nation ceases.
3. That dividing line is clearly drawn at Acts 28:
4. I, as a saved Gentile, have nothing to do with the Mosaic law, as such; to this most
Christians will agree. Neither may I step over the boundary line drawn by the
Holy Ghost in Acts 28: without causing hopeless confusion, and failure to
appreciate the particular blessings and responsibilities that are mine in this
dispensation; to this very few will agree.
We would earnestly ask our readers to search the Scriptures and "see whether these
things are so," also to search out their own arguments for their peculiar ecclesiastical or
dispensational beliefs, and find whether much has not been brought over from the closing
period of a past dispensation.
We have called this magazine "The Berean Expositor" because we desire our readers
to be as noble as the Bereans who:
1. Received the Word with all readiness of mind, and
2. Searched the Scriptures daily, to see
3. Whether those things were so (Acts 17: 11).
We have called it "The Berean Expositor" because our desire is to open up the
Word--"to expose" for our joy, instruction, correction, and edification its wondrous
teaching to the glory of the Lord. We shall (D.5:) in each issue have two subjects:
1. Dispensational. 2. Doctrinal. Whether the magazine is strictly "quarterly" will
depend, humanly speaking, upon the funds, for we shall not issue No.2 until we have
sufficient to pay for it. We shall not print poetry or extracts from other journals, but
endeavour to keep strictly to our title. "Brethren, pray for us."