Nave's Topical Bible - TEMPTATION

-General scriptures concerning Ge 3:1-13; 20:6; Ex 34:12-16; 8:11-14, De 7:25; 17, 18; 13:3; 1Ch 21:1; 2Ch 32:30, 31; Ps 119:165; Pr 1:10-17; 2:10-12, 16; 4:14, 15; 5:6-21; 6:27, 28; 7:7-23; 9:15-17; 12:26; 13:14; 14:27; 16:29; 19:27; 28:10; Ec 7:26; Isa 33:15, 16; Jer 2:24, 25; 35:5-7; Ho 7:5; Am 2:12; Mt 4:1-11; 5:19; 12:45; 13:22; 18:6-9; 26:31, 41; Mr 4:15, 17; 10:21-25; 13:21, 22; 14:38; Lu 4:1-13; 8:13, 14; 22:3, 31, 32, 11:4; 40, 46; Joh 16:1, 2; Ro 6:12-14; 7:5; 8:35-39; 14:13, 12:21; 15, 21; 1Co 7:5; 8:9-13; 10:13, 28-32; 11:3, 2Co 2:11; 14, 15; 12:7; Ga 4:14; 5:17; Eph 4:27; 6:11, 13-17; 1Th 3:5; 1Ti 5:15; 6:9, 10; 2Ti 3:13; Heb 2:18; 4:15; 12:3, 4; Jas 1:2-4, 12-16; 4:7; 1Pe 1:6, 7; 4:12; 5; 2Pe 2:9, 18; 3:17; 1Jo 2:16, 26; 4:4; Re 3:10; 12:10, 11, 17




-A TEST Ge 22:1-14; De 8:2, 5; 13:1-3; 2Ch 32:31; Job 1:8-22; 2:3-10; Ps 66:10-13; Da 12:10; Zec 13:9; Heb 11:17; Jas 1:2, 3, 12; 1Pe 1:6, 7 .See AFFLICTION, DESIGN OF .See FAITH, TRIAL OF

-LEADING INTO .Prayer against being led into Mt 6:13; Lu 22:40

-INSTANCES OF .Abraham leads Pharaoh Ge 12:18, 19 .Abimelech Ge 20:9 .Balak tempts Balaam Nu 22; 23; 24 .The old prophet of Beth-el, the prophet of Judah 1Ki 13:15-19 .Gideon leads the people of Israel into sin Jud 8:27 .Jeroboam leads the northern kingdom (Israel) into 1Ki 15:30 .See RESISTANCE TO .See YIELDING TO, below

-RESISTANCE TO Ge 39:7-10; Job 31:1, 5-17, Ne 4:9; 19-34, 38-40; Ps 17:4; 73:2-26; 94:17, 18; 119:101, 110; Am 4:12; Mt 4:1-11; 24:42-44; 25:13; 26:38-42; Mr 13:33-37; 14:37, 38; Lu 4:1-13; 12:35-38; 21:33-36; 1Co 6:13; 1Pe 4:7; Re 3:2, 3

-YIELDING TO .INSTANCES OF .Adam and Eve Ge 3:1-19 .Sarah, to lie Ge 12:13; 18:13-15; 20:13 .Isaac, to lie Ge 26:7 .Jacob, to defraud Esau Ge 27:6-13 .Balaam Nu 22:15-22; 2Pe 2:15 .Achan Jos 7:21 .David, to commit adultery 2Sa 11:2-5 .To count the nation of Israel 1Ch 21 .Solomon, to become an idolater through the influences of his wives 1Ki 11:4; Ne 13:26 .The prophet of Judah 1Ki 13:11-19 .Hezekiah Isa 39:1-4, 2Ki 20:12-20; 6, 7 .Peter Mt 26:69-74; Mr 14:67-71; Lu 22:55-60

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