-(Grave, tomb) -See BURIAL -(Also called SARAH) -Daughter of Asher Ge 46:17; Nu 26:46; 1Ch 7:30 -1. Also called SHEVA, SHISHA, and SHAVSHA .David's scribe 2Sa 8:17; 20:25; 1Ki 4:3; 1Ch 18:16 -2. Chief priest at the time of collapse of Jerusalem 2Ki 25:18 .Father of Ezra Ezr 7:1 .Killed by Nebuchadnezzar 2Ki 25:18-21; Jer 52:24-27 -3. An Israelite captain who surrendered to Gedaliah 2Ki 25:23; Jer 40:8 -5. A Simeonite 1Ch 4:35 -6. A priest who returned from the Babylonian captivity Ezr 2:2; Ne 12:1, 12 .Called AZARIAH Ne 7:7 -7. One who sealed the covenant with Nehemiah Ne 10:2 .Possibly identical with number six, see above -8. A ruler of the temple after the captivity Ne 11:11 -9. Son of Azriel .Commanded by King Jehoiakim to seize the prophet Jeremiah Jer 36:26 -10. A servant of Zedekiah Jer 51:59, 61 -See CHERUBIM -Son of Zebulun Ge 46:14; Nu 26:26 -General scriptures concerning Ac 16:35, 38 -A Roman deputy and convert of Paul Ac 13:7-12 -Of Jesus, "on the mount," Mt 5; 6; 7 -Of Jesus, "on the plain," Lu 6:17-49 -Beside Lake Galilee Mt 13:1-52; Mr 4:2-33 -See PREACHING -See MINISTERS -Satan appears to Eve in the form of Ge 3:1-15; 2Co 11:3 -Subtlety of Ge 3:1; Ec 10:8; Mt 10:16 -Curse upon Ge 3:14, 15; 49:17 -Feeds upon the dust Ge 3:14; Isa 65:25; Mic 7:17 -Unfit for food Mt 7:10 -Venom of De 32:24, 33; Job 20:16; Ps 58:4; 140:3; Pr 23:31, 32; Ac 28:5, 6 -The staff of Moses transformed into Ex 4:3; 7:15 -Fiery (poisonous), sent as a plague upon the Israelites Nu 21:6, 7; De 8:15; 1Co 10:9 -The wound of, miraculously healed by looking upon the bronze snake, erected by Moses Nu 21:8, 9 -The charming of Ps 58:4, 5; Ec 10:11; Jer 8:17 -Mentioned in Solomon's riddle Pr 30:19 -Constriction of Re 9:19 -Sea serpent Am 9:3 -The seventy disciples (the best mss have "seventy-two") endued with power over Lu 10:19 -The apostles given power over Mr 16:18; Ac 28:5 -FIGURATIVE Isa 14:29; 30:6; 65:25 -An ancestor of Abraham Ge 11:20-23; 1Ch 1:26
-Called SARUCH
Lu 3:35