-See EPHRATAH -1. Son of Zohar, the Hittite .Sells to Abraham the field containing the cave Machpelah Ge 23:8-17; 25:9; 49:29, 30; 50:13 -2. A mountain on the boundary line between the tribes of Judah and Benjamin Jos 15:9 -(Heroic poetry) .Miriam's song Ex 15:1-19, 21 -Deborah's song Jud 5 -David's war song 2Sa 22 -See POETRY -(Referring to those who are fastidious in their tastes or enjoyments, connoisseurs) -Reject John the Baptist Mt 11:18; Lu 7:33 -Doctrines propagated by, familiar to Solomon Ec 2:1-10 -To Paul 1Co 15:32 -Dispute with Paul Ac 17:18 -General scriptures concerning Mr 9:17-22 -See DISEASE -From the congregation at Jerusalem to the Gentiles Ac 15:23-29 -Of Luke to Theophilus Lu 1:1-4; Ac 1:1 -Of Paul, see the Biblical books of ROMANS, FIRST CORINTHIANS, SECOND CORINTHIANS, GALATIANS, EPHESIANS, PHILIPPIANS, COLOSSIANS, THESSALONIANS, TIMOTHY, TITUS, and PHILEMON. -Of JAMES, PETER, and JOHN, see books of the N. T. which bear their names -See LETTERS -See MAN, ALL MEN EQUAL -See JUSTICE -1. Son of Judah Ge 38:3, 6, 7; 46:12; Nu 26:19; 1Ch 2:3 -2. A son of Shelah 1Ch 4:21 -3. An ancestor of, Jesus Lu 3:28 -A grandson of Ephraim Nu 26:36