-General scriptures concerning Isa 62:4 -1. Head of a Jewish family, which retumed from Babylon Ezr 2:17; Ne 7:23 -2. A family that sealed the covenant with Nehemiah Ne 10:18 -1. A divinely-inspired mechanic and master workman who built the tabernacle Ex 31:2; 35:30-35; 36:1; 37:1; 38:1-7, 22 -2. Son of Pahath-moab Ezr 10:30 -1. Residence of Adoni-bezek Jud 1:5 -2. A rendezvous of Israel under Saul 1Sa 11:8 -1. A city of refuge, East of the Jordan De 4:43; Jos 20:8; 21:36; 1Ch 6:78 -2. Son of Zophah 1Ch 7:37 -See LAW OF MOSES -See WORD OF GOD -A Benjamite 2Sa 20 -Jehu's captain 2Ki 9:25 -See POLYGAMY