zak-a-ri'-as (Zacharias):
(1) One of the "rulers of the temple" at the time of Josiah's Passover (1 Esdras 1:8) = "Zechariah" of 2Ch 35:8.
(2) One of the "holy singers" at Josiah's Passover (1 Esdras 1:15); the name stands in place of "Heman" in 2Ch 35:15.
(3) In 1 Esdras 6:1; 7:3 = the prophet Zechariah.
(4) One of the sons of Pharos who returned with Ezra at the head of his family (1 Esdras 8:30) = "Zechariah" of Ezr 8:3, and perhaps identical with (5).
(5) One of the "men of understanding" with whom Ezra consulted when he discovered the absence of priests and Levites (1 Esdras 8:44) = "Zechariah" of Ezr 8:16, and perhaps identical with (6).
(6) Zacharias (omitted in the King James Version), who stood on Ezra's left hand as he expounded the Law (1 Esdras 9:44) = "Zechariah" of Ne 8:4.
(7) One of the sons of Babi who went up at the head of his family with Ezra (1 Esdras 8:37) = "Zechariah" of Ezr 8:11.
(8) One of the sons of Elam who had taken foreign wives (1 Esdras 9:27) = "Zechariah" of Ezr 10:26.
(9) The father of Joseph, one of the "leaders of the people" under Judas (1 Macc 5:18,56).
(10) The King James Version = the Revised Version (British and American) "Zarains" (1 Esdras 5:8).
(11) The King James Version = the Revised Version (British and American) "Zachariah" of Mt 23:35.
S. Angus
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