proov (bachan, nacah; dokimazo, peirazo): Means (1) to test or try; (2) to establish, demonstrate; (3) to find by experience. It is for the most part in the first (original) sense that the word is found in Scripture. In the Old Testament it is most frequently the translation of nacah, primarily "to lift," hence, to weigh (Ge 42:15,16, etc.). God is said to "prove" His people, i.e. to test or try them for their good (Ge 22:1; Ex 15:25; De 8:16, etc.). The Psalmist prays that God may prove him (Ps 26:2). The word is frequently rendered "tempt." See TEMPT. The word bachan, primarily "to try by heat," has a similar meaning (Ps 17:3, the heart, like metal, purified from dross; compare Job 23:10; Ps 7:9; Mal 3:2, etc.). In the New Testament the word most frequently rendered "prove" (sometimes "try") is dokimazo (Lu 14:19; Ro 12:2; 2Co 8:8,22; 13:5; Eph 5:10; 1Th 5:21). Peirazo, "to tempt," "to prove," used in both a good and a bad sense, frequently translated "tempt" (which see), is rendered "prove" in Joh 6:6, "This he said to prove him." Both Greek words occur frequently in Apocrypha (Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus). the Revised Version (British and American) has "prove" for "tempt" (Ge 22:1); for, "make" (Job 24:25; Ga 2:18); for "manifest" (Ec 3:18); for "examine" (1Co 11:28); for "try" (1Co 3:13; 1 Joh 4:1), etc.

W. L. Walker

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