per'-i-zit, pe-riz'-it (perizzi; Pherezaios): Signifies "a villager," and so corresponds with the Egyptian fellah. Hence, the Perizzite is not included among the sons of Canaan in Ge 10, and is also coupled with the Canaanite (Ge 13:7; 34:30; Jud 1:4). We hear, accordingly, of Canaanites and Perizzites at Shechem (Ge 34:30), at Bezek in Judah (Jud 1:4) and, according to the reading of the Septuagint, at Gezer (Jos 16:10). In De 3:5 and 1Sa 6:18, where the King James Version has "unwalled towns" and "country villages," the Septuagint has "Perizzite," the literal translation of the Hebrew being "cities of the Perizzite" or "villager" and "village of the Perizzite." The same expression occurs in Es 9:19, where it is used of the Jews in Elam. In Jos 17:15,18, where the Manassites are instructed to take possession of the forest land of Carmel, "Perizzites and Rephaim" are given as the equivalent of "Canaanite."

A. H. Sayce

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