pa'-hath-mo'-ab (pachath mo'abh, "sheik of Moab"; in I Esdras 5:11; 8:31, "Phaath Moab"): A Jewish clan probably named after an ancestor of the above title. Part of the clan returned with Zerubbabel (Ezr 2:6; compare Ne 7:11) under two family names, Jeshua and Joab; and a part came back with Ezra (Ezr 8:4). Hashub, a "son of Pahath-moab," is named among the repairers of both the wall and the "tower of the furnaces" at Jerusalem (Ne 3:11). It is the name of one of the signatories "sealing" the "sure covenant" of Ne 9:38 (Ne 10:14). Some of the sons of this name had taken "strange wives" (Ezr 10:30)

Henry Wallace

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