i'-ra (`ira'; Eiras):
(1) A person referred to in 2Sa 20:26 as "priest" (so the Revised Version (British and American) correctly; the King James Version "a chief ruler," the American Standard Revised Version "chief minister") unto David. The translation of the Revised Version (British and American) is the only possible one; but, according to the text, Ira was "a Jairite," and thus of the tribe of Manasseh (Nu 32:41) and not eligible to the priesthood. On the basis of the Peshitta some would correct "Jairite" of 2Sa 20:26 into "Jattirite," referring to Jattir, a priestly city within the territory of Judah (Jos 21:14). Others point to 2Sa 8:18 margin, "David's sons were priests," as an indication that in David's time some non-Levites were permitted to serve--in some sense--as priests.
(2) An "Ithrite," or (with a different pointing of the text) a "Jattirite," one of David's "thirty" (2Sa 23:38 parallel 1Ch 11:40); possibly identical with (1).
(3) Another of David's "thirty," son of Ikkesh of Tekoa (2Sa 23:26; 1Ch 11:28) and a captain of the temple guard (1Ch 27:9).
F. K. Farr
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