a-par'-el: The English equivalent of six Hebrew and three Greek words, variously signifying all kinds of raiment, chiefly garments costly and beautiful: ornamental (2Sa 1:24); royal, as of Ahasuerus (Es 6:8), of Herod (Ac 12:21, esthes); of kings' daughters (2Sa 13:18); priestly (Ezr 3:10); also mourning (2Sa 14:2). In 1Sa 17:38,39 "apparel" replaces "armor" of King James Version: "Saul clad David with his apparel," probably some close-fitting garment worn under the armor, or sometimes without it. Severe judgment was pronounced on Jewish princes who clothed themselves with "strange" (the King James Version), i.e. "with foreign apparel" (Ze 1:8; compare Isa 2:6-8). "Modest apparel" as against "costly raiment" is commended as suited to Christians (1Ti 2:9; himatismos, and katastole). Angels are robed in white apparel (Ac 1:10; compare Lu 24:4, "dazzling"). Fig. of the glorious and red (suggestive of the wine-press) apparel of the Messiah (Isa 63:1,2), and of "a meek and quiet spirit" (1Pe 3:4).
Dwight M. Pratt
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